Thursday, December 22, 2011


Oh yeah I'm blogging at this hour 4.10am =•= i slept tooo~ much that why I'm still awake now! just a random post coz I can't sleep /.\
I have planned to do at least one thing for each day, cooking, baking, watch movie. Too bad I'm not doing any of these today. I wake up at 2 pm. Went to supermarket with mum to buy tong yuen, then went home and sleep. Did a little shopping with a long-time-no-see friend at evening. Planned to buy a birthday gift for my love one buttt end up I did not buy anything ;/
I think I did better than last holidays routine. I bake cake n cookies, I cook dinner for family. Teehee ;-D

Agrr-.- I want sleep now! Have to wake up at 8. Why I can easily fall sleep in the afternoon but not at night???! Fml